CLE on February 15th: “Help! They’re Changing the Rules & They Impact Everything Filed in a Pennsylvania Court!”
Havertown Attorney Dan Siegel will present his latest continuing legal education course, “Help! They’re Changing the Rules & They Impact Everything Filed in a Pennsylvania Court!” on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Delaware County Bar Association in Media, Pa. Click here for more information –
In the program, Dan will discuss the new Pennsylvania Public Access Policy, which goes into effect in January 2018. The new policy will impact every lawyer who files documents with any Pennsylvania court, and requires that confidential and sensitive information be redacted. For many law firms, the policy will require significant changes in how they handle court filngs. Dan discussed the new policy in his recent column in the Legal Intelligencer. Click here to read the column.