Injured at Work
Construction workers have one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. In fact, construction accidents injure or kill thousands of workers every year. When a worker is injured or killed by another party’s negligence – their employer’s or another worker’s – or a product malfunction, the worker is entitled to be compensated for those losses.
To obtain the best result, injured construction workers should hire an attorney who is familiar with construction site concerns as well as the workers’ compensation issues that commonly arise in tandem. While most personal injury attorneys handle either the claim against the negligent party or the workers’ compensation, the Law Offices of Daniel J. Siegel, LLC is one of the few firms that can handle both claims. In addition, firms that typically handle just the personal injury claim regularly refer their clients to our office so that we can coordinate the workers’ compensation claims with the liability claim.
We are here to help. Call our office at (610) 446-3457, send an email, or fill out the form below, and we will respond promptly.