Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Representation

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Receiving a letter from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Office of Disciplinary Counsel is scary. Being threatened with a Disciplinary Board complaint is equally frightening. For licensed attorneys practicing in Pennsylvania, just seeing a letter, or getting a phone call from Disciplinary Counsel can be intimidating. After all, you assume it means your law license is at risk and you need Disciplinary Board representation.

Just because someone threatened you, or you are contacted by Disciplinary Counsel, does not mean your license will be suspended or that you will be disbarred. Those events happen, but most disciplinary complaints do not end up with those results. With experienced counsel Daniel J. Siegel assisting, lawyers learn about and understand the disciplinary process in Pennsylvania. Dan then analyzes your situation and provides claiming but candid advice about how to proceed to protect your law license and your right to practice, and your reputation.

Attorney Daniel J. Siegel,  current Chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Committee on Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility, understands the disciplinary process and the consequences that a disciplinary complaint can have for a member of the Bar.  Whether you receive a DB-7 (Request for Statement of Position) or some other communication, Dan Siegel can help you through the process. Disciplinary matters can be complicated, and Attorney Discipline Attorney Daniel J. Siegel understands the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct and the Pennsylvania Rules of Disciplinary Enforcement. More importantly, Dan explains the disciplinary process to his lawyer clients so that they understand what is happening and why and how to respond to Disciplinary Counsel.

For decades, Dan Siegel has represented attorneys, often assisting them in avoiding disciplinary complaints and the formal process, and being able to continue practicing law and focusing on clients. The challenging part is that the many lawyers Dan has represented do not post reviews because, as you can understand, those involved in the disciplinary process prefer to keep results private.

Legal malpractice insurance carriers can also approve Attorney Daniel J. Siegel to represent clients, allowing lawyers to select who represents them rather than being represented by an attorney selected by their insurer. So, do not be reluctant to ask your carrier if they will allow Dan Siegel to represent you.

Attorney Daniel J. Siegel is well-versed in the wide variety of issues that can put an attorney’s license at risk. The potential loss of an attorney’s license or even the mere existence of a complaint can have serious consequences for an attorney that are unrelated to the practice of law. Attorney Daniel J. Siegel is equipped to navigate an attorney’s issues before the Disciplinary Board and minimize the pressure that occurs when a complaint is received.

If you are an attorney in need of disciplinary board representation, give Dan a call at (610) 446-3457 or click here to send him an email.